Learning to Read: What’s At Stake – What’s Involved
"What's at Stake - What's Involved" - features field-leading neuroscientists, psychologists, cognitive scientists, reading researchers, and educational policy makers exploring the individual and collective costs and consequences of reading difficulties and why so many children (and adults) experience them.
35 videos: Reading Crisis, Reading Matters, Academic Danger, Emotional Danger, Social Danger – Collective Costs: Democracy, Health, Poverty, The Economy, Consumer Behavior, Price Tags – National Learning Disability, Reframe, – Readiness, Nature & Nurture, Sensitive Slopes, Emotion & Cognition, First Words, Language Foundations, Meaningful Differences – LD & Dyslexia – Parents – Preschools – Print Availability – ESL – Competing Media – Reading to Learn – Dysteachia – Superficial Thinking – Teacher Training – Resistance – Unnatural Confusion – Blame the Child.
This DVD contains DVD quality updated versions of the COTC chapters: “What’s At Stake“, “Readiness” and “Causes and Contributing Factors“.
From the Introduction to “What’s At Sake”
Menu Overview from “Causes and Contributing Factors”
This DVD is particularly useful for parents, educators, psychologists, policy makers, literacy volunteers, child advocates, and others who care for or about children. It also provides important background information from which to proceed in exploring the COTC Project’s main threads (also available as individual DVDs in our Essentials Series).
Like the complete Professional Development DVD Series and our Essentials Series, this DVD is not a “how to teach reading” course — it’s a collection of video segments and animations designed to help help educators, parents, and all who care for children develop a deeper first-person understanding of what’s at stake and what’s involved in learning to read (our premise).
Note: Before purchasing this DVD consider the complete Professional Development Series. The complete series contains all the videos of on this DVD plus all the videos in our Essentials Series plus over a dozen additional videos that address many other important aspects of ‘what’s at stake’ and ‘what’s involved’ in learning to read.
What’s At Stake – What’s Involved: $19.95 plus $6.95* for shipping and handling.
If you can’t use the online ordering system please use our manual order form: click here
If you are interested in purchasing more than 10 dvds please contact us at code@implicity.org to make special arrangements.
$6.95 shipping and handling rates for U.S. residents only – international orders will be billed for additional shipping charges.