Interviews organized by Interviewee/Discipline
Learning Sciences & Ed Research
Language & Orthography
Policy & Teaching
Learning Sciences & Ed Research

Grover (Russ) Whitehurst
Ex-Director of the Institute of Education Sciences & Assistant Secretary of Education, U.S. Department of Education

Jack P. Shonkoff
Chair, The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child; Co-Editor: From Neurons to Neighborhoods

Louisa Moats
Reading Scientist, Sopris West; Author: Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling

Siegfried Engelmann (Phone Interview)
Professor of Instructional Research, University of Oregon; Creator of Direct Instruction

Siegfried Engelmann (Video Interview)
Professor of Instructional Research, University of Oregon; Creator of Direct Instruction

G. Reid Lyon
Past Chief of the Child Development & Behavior Branch of the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD) at the National Institute of Health (NIH)

Dr. Timothy Shanahan
Chair National Early Literacy Panel, President (2006) International Reading Association, Member of National Reading Panel; Director, Center for Literacy, University of Illinois at Chicago

Michael Merzenich
Chair of Otolaryngology, Integrative Neurosciences, UCSF; Member National Academy of Sciences; Co-Founder of Scientific Learning Corporation & Posit Science Corporation

Dr. Marilyn Jager Adams
Senior Scientist, Soliloquy Learning; Author: Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning About Print

Maryanne Wolf
Director, Center for Reading & Language Research; Professor of Child Development, Tufts University

Keith Stanovich
Chair, Applied Cognitive Science, University of Toronto; Author: Reading Matters: How Reading Engagement Influences Cognition

Paula Tallal
Board of Governor's Professor of Neuroscience, Rutgers University; Co-Founder of Scientific Learning Corporation

Charles A. Perfetti
Professor of Psychology & Linguistics; Senior Scientist and Associate Director, Learning Research & Development Center, University of Pittsburgh

Edward Kame'enui
Ex-Commissioner for Special Education Research, U.S. Department of Education; Director, Institute for the Development of Educational Achievement (IDEA), University of Oregon

Christof Koch
Professor of Computation and Neural Systems, Caltech - Author: The Quest for Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach

Mark T. Greenberg
Director, Prevention Research Center, Penn State Dept. of Human Development & Family Studies; CASEL Leadership Team

Donald L. Nathanson
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry & Human Behavior at Jefferson Medical College; Founding Executive Director of the Silvan S. Tomkins Institute; Author: Shame and Pride & Knowing Feeling

Keith Rayner
Distinguished Professor, University of Massachusetts; Author: Eye Movements in Reading and Information Processing

Mel Levine
Co-Chair and Co-Founder, All Kinds of Minds; Author: A Mind at a Time, The Myth of Laziness & Ready or Not Here Life Comes

Anne Cunningham
Director, Joint Doctoral Program in Special Education, University of California- Berkeley; Historian of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading

Pat Lindamood and Nanci Bell
Principal Scientists & Co-Founders of Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes

Richard Olson
Past President, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading; Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado

Steve Reder
Professor & Chair, Department of Applied Linguistics, Portland State University

Robert Kail
Professor of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, Indiana

Susan H. Landry
Director of the Center for Improving the Readiness of Children for Learning & Education (CIRCLE); Chief, Division of Developmental Pediatrics, University of Texas at Houston

Nancy J. Cohen
Director of Research, Hincks-Dellcrest Institute; Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto; Author: Language Impairment and Psychopathology in Infants, Children, and Adolescents

Ruth Ann Atchley
Assistant Professor, Brain & Behavior, Cognitive Psychology & Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Kansas

Kathryn Au
Professor of Education, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Language & Orthography

Richard Venezky
Past Unidel Professor of Educational Studies & Professor of Computer, Information Sciences & Linguistics, University of Delaware; Author: The American Way of Spelling: The Structure and Origins of American English Orthography

John Searle
Mills Professor of the Philosophy of Mind & Language, University of California-Berkeley; Author: Mind, A Brief Introduction

Marketa Caravolas
Director, Bangor Dyslexia Unit, Bangor University, Wales England Author: International Report on Literacy Research, Language-specific influences of phonology and orthography on emergent literacy

Todd Risley
Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Alaska; Co-Author: Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children

Thomas Cable
Professor of English, University of Texas at Austin; Co-Author: A History of the English Language

Dr. Johanna Drucker
Chair of Media Studies, University of Virginia; Author: The Alphabetic Labyrinth

Terrence Deacon
Cognitive Anthropologist, University of California-Berkeley; Author: The Symbolic Species:The Co-Evolution of Language and the Brain

Guy Deutscher
Professor, Department of Languages and Cultures of Ancient Mesopotamia, University of Leiden in Holland; Author: Unfolding Language - an evolutionary tour of mankind's greatest invention

John H. Fisher
Medievalist; Retired Professor Emeritus of English, University of Tennessee; Leading authority on the development of the written English language; Author: The Emergence of Standard English

Malcolm Richardson
Chair, Dept. of English, Louisiana State University; Research: The Textual Awakening of the English Middle Classes, 1380-1520

David Olson
Professor Emeritus, Applied Cognitive Science, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto; Author: The World on Paper: The Conceptual and Cognitive Implications of Writing and Reading

Doug Engelbart
2000 National Medal of Technology, Computer & Internet Pioneer, Inventor of the 'Mouse'

Ray Kurzweil
1999 National Medal of Technology, Inventor, OCR & Speech Recognition

Selmer Bringsjord
Director, Rensselaer AI & Reasoning (RAIR) Laboratory - Dept. of Cognitive Science (Chair), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Robert Logan
Professor of Physics, University of Toronto; Author: The Alphabet Effect

Frank Moore Cross, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Hebrew & Other Oriental Languages, Harvard University

Bruce Thornton
Professor of Greek History; Author: Greek Ways: How the Greeks Created Western Civilization

Naomi Baron
Linguist; Director, TESOL, American University; Author: From Alphabet to Email: How Written English Evolved and Where It's heading

Walter Isaacson
CEO, Aspen Institute; Author: Benjamin Franklin: An American Life

John Gable
Past Executive Director, Theodore Roosevelt Association

Steve Bett
Linguist; Editor, Simplified Spelling Journal

Peter Krass
Author: Carnegie

R. Kent Rasmussen
Mark Twain scholar; Author: Mark Twain A to Z, The Quotable Mark Twain

Edward Rondthaler
Past-Chairman, American Literacy Council; Author: Alphabet Thesaurus - A Treasury of Letter Design
Policy & Teaching

James J. Heckman
Nobel Prize Winner in Economic Sciences 2000; Professor, University of Chicago; Lead Author: The Productivity Argument for Investing in Young Children

Eric Hanushek
Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution of Stanford University; Chairman, Executive Committee for the Texas Schools Project; Member, Koret Task Force on K–12 Education

Arthur J. Rolnick
Senior Vice President & Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis; Co- Author: The Economics of Early Childhood Development

Robert Sweet
Co-Founder, National Right to Read Foundation; Retired Professional Staff, U.S. House of Representatives

Barbara Kapinus
Senior Reading Policy Specialist/Analyst, National Education Association

E. D. Hirsch, Jr.
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Hoover Institution; Co-Founder, Core Knowledge Foundation; Professor Emeritus of Education and Humanities at the University of Virginia; Author: Cultural Literacy, The Schools We Need and Why We Don’t Have Them, The Knowledge Deficit.

George Farkas
Professor of Sociology, Demography & Education, Penn State

Richard Allington
Reading Researcher; President, International Reading Assoc.; Author: Big Brother and the National Reading Curriculum: How Ideology Trumped Evidence

John Strucker
Research Associate, National Center for the Study of Adult Learning & Literacy, Harvard University

Sandra Feldman
Past President, American Federation of Teachers

Brenda L. Welburn
Chief Executive Officer, National Association of State Boards of Education; Author: The American Tapestry: Educating a Nation

Norton Hadler
Professor of Medicine & Microbiology/Immunology, Attending Rheumatologist, University of North Carolina Hospitals; Author: The Last Well Person

Sam Redding
Executive Director, Academic Development Institute; Lead Author: The Effects of Comprehensive Parent Engagement on Student Learning Outcomes

Susan Neuman
Former Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Education

Martin Haberman
Distinguished Professor, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Creator, National Teacher Corp.

David Bloome
Professor of Literacy, Language & Culture, Ohio State University; Past President, National Council of Teachers of English

Madhu Viswanathan
Director, Marketplace Literacy Project, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Patrick W. O'Leary
Employee Relations Manager, UPS Airlines

Patrick Groff
Professor Emeritus, San Diego State University; National Right to Read Foundation Board Member & Senior Advisor; Author: Private Sector Alternatives for Preventing Reading Failure

Stephen Krashen
Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California; Author: The Power of Reading, Second Edition: Insights from the Research

Earl B. Oremus
Headmaster, Marburn Academy

Lesley M. Morrow
Past President, International Reading Association

Rick Lavoie
Learning Disabilities Specialist, Creator: How Difficult Can This Be?: The F.A.T. City Workshop & Last One Picked, First One Picked On: The Social Implications of Learning Disabilities

Mark Ginsberg
Executive Director, National Association for the Education of Young Children

Sharon Darling
President, National Center for Family Literacy

Sue Stepleton
President, National Center for Parents as Teachers

Carol H. Rasco
President, Reading is Fundamental

Nancy Tidwell
Founder and President, National Association for the Education of African American Children with Learning Disabilities

Jimmy Santiago Baca
Award winning poet, author and literacy advocate; Author: The Importance of a Piece of Paper

Mark Weist
Executive Director, Center for School Mental Health Assistance

Sarah Greene
Executive Director, National Head Start Association

Gwedolyn Cartledge
Professor of Special Education, Ohio State University; Author: Teaching Urban Learners

Judy Wurtzel
Former Executive Director, Learning First Alliance; Senior Fellow, Aspen Institute

Kimberly Thompson
Director, Kids Risk Project; Associate Professor of Risk Analysis & Decision Science, Department of Health Policy & Management, Harvard School of Public Health

Claiborne Barksdale
CEO, Barksdale Reading Institute

Robin Willner
Director, Corporate Community Relations, Reinventing Education, IBM

Brock and Fernette Eide
Physician-parents with a national referral practice for children with learning difficulties. Authors of "The Mislabeled Child"

Krista Kafer
Senior Education Policy Analyst, The Heritage Foundation

Jones Kyazze
Past Director, UNESCO Literacy

Bruce Perry
Senior Fellow, Child Trauma Academy

Daniel Wagner
Director, International Literacy Institute

Sylvia O. Richardson
Past President, International Dyslexia Association; Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Communication Sciences & Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of South Florida

Thomas Viall
Past Executive Director, International Dyslexia Association

David W. Kirkpatrick
Senior Education Fellow, U.S. Freedom Foundation

Susan Sandler
President, Justice Matters

Susan Carrell
Adult Learning Center Coordinator, Goodwill Industries of Kentucky

Monty Neill
Executive Director, The National Center for Fair & Open Testing (Fair Test)

Nayo Watkins
Founder & Director, Mekye Center
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Interviews By Subject/Theme
- The Neuroscience of Nurturing Neurons - Jack P. Shonkoff
- Neuroscience, Phonology and Reading: The Oral to Written Language Continuum - Paula Tallal
- Neuroscience: Reading and the Movie in your Mind - Christof Koch
- Asynchrony: Timing Differences Between Processing Modalities Can Cause Reading Difficulties - Dr. Zvia Breznitz
- The Brain and Dyslexia - What Brain Imaging Can and Can't Tell Us About Reading Difficulties - Sally Shaywitz
- Neuromodulation and Neuroplasticity in Reading Related Brain Processes - Michael Merzenich
Cognitive Science
- Cognitive Science: The Conceptual Components of Reading & What Reading Does for the Mind - Keith Stanovich
- Word Recognition and Comprehension - Charles A. Perfetti
- What Eye Movements Tell Us About the Processing Involved In Reading - Keith Rayner
- Teaching Teachers to Teach Reading - Louisa Moats
- Thinking and Learning about Beginning to Read - Dr. Marilyn Jager Adams
- Rapid Naming, Double-Deficits and Dyslexia - Maryanne Wolf
- Orthographic Depth and Other Factors in International Comparisons of Literacy Acquisition - Marketa Caravolas
- The Effects of Learning to Read On Children's Minds - Anne Cunningham
- From Phonemic Awareness to Comprehensional Imagery - Pat Lindamood and Nanci Bell
Research and Education Policy
- Converging Evidence - Reading Research What It Takes To Read - G. Reid Lyon
- Evidence Based Education Science and the Challenge of Learning to Read - Grover (Russ) Whitehurst
- Instructional Design 101: Learn from the Learners! - Siegfried Engelmann (Phone Interview)
- Emerging Economic Arguments for Investing in the Health of Our Children's Learning - James J. Heckman
- High Quality Education: Elements and Implications - Eric Hanushek
- Differentiated Curricula and Assessment in Reading Instruction - Edward Kame'enui
- Phonics and the Evolution of Reading Policy - Robert Sweet
- The Best Investment We Can Make - Arthur J. Rolnick
- No Child Left Behind - Reading First - Chris Doherty
Adult Literacy
Dyslexia & ‘L.D.’
History of Writing
English Orthography
- The Structure of English Orthography: Letters, Sounds, Spellings, and Meanings - Richard Venezky
- The Origins of the English Writing System and the Roots of its Letter - Sound Confusions - John H. Fisher
- A History of the English Language and its Orthography - Thomas Cable
- The 15th Century Roots of Written English - Malcolm Richardson
Note about interviews: Participation in the preceding Children of the Code interview does not constitute or imply an endorsement of the Children of the Code project or documentary by the interviewee. Conversely, including an interview does not constitute or imply an endorsement of the views, organizations, books or products of the interviewee, other than as explicitly stated, by the Children of the Code Project and documentary.
In addition to the interviews listed above, new interviews are in the works. They include children and adults who are struggling to learn to read, the parents of struggling readers, some of America’s finest teachers, literacy institution leaders, brain scientists, linguists, psychologists, sociologists, phonics and meaning-centric reading specialists, reading teachers, code technologists, education leaders, government leaders, language historians, writing historians, archeologists, anthropologists, and others. Join our notification list for future transcript releases
Social and Emotional Factors in Reading