Professional Development DVD Series
The Complete 4 DVD Professional Development Series
It was our privilege to interview over 100 of the world's top thought leaders in the fields of Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, Psychology, Linguistics, Orthography, Reading Research, Educational Research, Instructional Design, and other related fields.
Almost ten years in the making, these new DVDs represent the "gems" our Learning Stewards team have carefully extracted from over 400 hours of interview footage.
From the beginning of the Children of the Code Project our premise has been: Regardless of particular methods of instruction, the better educators and parents understand the challenges involved in learning to read, the better they can help children through those challenges. Based on this premise, this 4-disc DVD series is designed to support educators involved in teaching other educators, literacy volunteers, policy makers, and members of the general public about "what's at stake" and "what's involved" in learning to read. Thus, this DVD series is not a "how to teach reading" course -- it's a collection of video segments and animations designed to help help educators, parents, and all who care for children develop a deeper first-person understanding of the challenges involved in learning to read.
These are NTSC DVDs designed to be played on typical home DVD players as well as through DVD playing software on computers.

Unlike typical documentaries, there is no linear narrative thread that viewers are forced to follow. Instead, you can completely customize how the DVDs support your educational agenda, curriculum design, and teaching strategy. Though our COTC opinions and conclusions are included, they are clearly identified and separated from the main sequences so you can choose whether to use them.
DVD Excerpts
Included in the package: 136 Video Segments
· Upgraded versions of all 64 main videos on the web site.
· Two New Chapters — “The Brain’s Challenge” and “Changing Trajectories” — and 39 new videos (not on the web site).
· Content that is formatted for DVD and optimized for large screen displays (SD and HD televisions as well as classroom and professional development projectors).
· Menus and titling conventions that allow for easy navigation and provide viewers with visual metaphors that aid in understanding.
Printable Index of PD Series (5 pages)
Printable “At-A-Glance” Index of PD Series (1 page)
We’re looking forward to hearing how this new 4-disc DVD set assists educators in their efforts. Though we would prefer to give away the DVD’s or provide them as gifts for donations (we are a non-profit organization), constraints of the IRS and publishing process have necessitated that we sell them. We’ve worked hard to keep the cost as low as possible and are pleased to offer the 4 DVD set for $67.00.
Important Note 1: In addition to this, Complete Professional Development Series, we also offer individual DVDs covering the core themes of the Children of the Code in our “Essentials” collection. For more information please click here
Important Note 2: In addition to DVD player versions, we also offer digital file versions of the same videos contained on these DVDs that can be played directly on your computer and/or embedded in most popular slideshow applications. For more information on our digital versions please click here.
“The Challenge of Learning to Read: What’s At Stake and What’s Involved”
A New 4 DVD Disc Professional Development Series
Disc 1: What's At Stake - What is Reading? - Unnatural Confusion - About the COTC DVD Series
“I use COTC in all my classes. All students are engaged by the videos, which start some very lively discussions. Students have told me that they have a better understanding of both language and reading as a result of these videos.” – J. A. Greene, Assistant Professor of Education, Park University, Parkville, MO
“I love what you have all done and am using the videos in graduate school psychology courses as well as in consultation with elementary teachers and administration.” – Dr. Lynn O’Connell, Alfred University, NY
We’ve used your videos in faculty meetings, parent meetings, and study groups. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” – B. Weiss, Principal, Meadow Hill School, Newburg
“The videos of the children make you stop and think.” – E. McCleskey , Communities In Schools, Afterschool Site Coordinator, Greenville, S.C.
Disc 2: So Let It Be Written - The First Millennium Bug - Paradigm Inertia
“I’ve woven in your video clips to help make various points…the clips are awesome! I finally feel like I am able to offer my students some truly valuable information about teaching reading.” – Dr. B. Lewellyn, Univ. of Dayton, OH
“My company provides professional development in the area of reading instruction. During a training, we went into the school’s computer lab and watched [COTC Videos]. Most teachers had tears in their eyes, one sobbed uncontrollably. They all said they see the urgency. Every educator, parent, and resident of the United States needs to know these facts. Thank you for your work!” – M. Steverson, Smartel Learning Link, Marina Del Rey, CA
“I find your videos to be excellent! I have enjoyed listening to them several times. Thank you for producing videos that clarify our language. Thank you for the videos that give answers to students and parents regarding dyslexia.” – T. Brusco, Teacher, Myers Corners School, Wappinger Falls, NY
Disc 3 - Causes and Contributing Factors - Readiness - Shame
“Your videos helped me explain to the ones I love how I have felt for the last fifty years. Thanks for your help understanding the gifts I have.” – P. Travaglione, Duluth, MN
“Wow!!! These videos really took me back. I could really relate to being shamed and kind of slouching in my chair, afraid of being called on. All of the videos were very informative as well as interesting. This is information that I will take into the classroom with me.” – K. Hall, Teacher
“As a scientist and clinician working in the field of human emotion and cognition for 25 years I have been vitally interested in the problem of getting people to change incorrect but closely held beliefs. Like most scholars, until awakened by the “Children of the Code” project, I took intake through reading as much for granted as eating and drinking. Very few of us had paid sufficient attention to the specific emotions triggered in children as they begin to read. “Children of the Code” merits the serious attention of anyone interested in the future of America.” – Donald L. Nathanson, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Jefferson Medical College
Disc 4 - The Brain's Challenge - Changing Trajectories
“I think I will take from these videos a new understanding of the thought processes that children could be facing when they are put in various reading situations.” – L. Luster, Teacher
“Videos are great. They were very helpful in my undergraduate classes. I have watched all of them and intend to watch/discuss in the Fall/Spring terms with my graduate classes.” – Mary Wines, Professor, Midwestern State University Language Therapist Master’s Program CALT, Wichita Falls, TX
“Children of the Code is a unique achievement, and a special gift for all of us! Thanks, David, for this OUTSTANDING contribution to this VERY important subject. Nothing quite like it, under the sun!” – Dr. Michael Merzenich, Keck Center for Integrative Neurosciences, UCSF
“It’s a wonderful thesis and it’s so refreshing to hear you articulate it because I guess I am in total agreement with it and I have not really heard people articulate it as clearly as you have… I love what you are doing.” – Dr. Louisa Moats, Sopris West Educational Services
$67.00 plus $9.95* for shipping and handling
or to order by check or purchase order click here
*$9.95 shipping and handling for U.S. residents only – international orders will be billed for the additional shipping charges