For immediate release 9-13-04
The National Center for Family Literacy and the
Children of the Code Project cooperating in nationwide seminar tour
The Children of the Code Project (COTC), in cooperation with the National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL), is offering free, education seminars to communities around the country. ‘The Code and the Challenge of Learning to Read It’, is a three-hour learning odyssey intended to help educators, parents, and all who care for children develop a deeper first-person understanding of the process of learning to read. During the fall of 2004 and spring of 2005 the seminar will be held in as many as twenty-five cities. Most of the costs will be underwritten by contributions to NCFL.
“The NCFL’s expertise in working with families is critical to breaking the cycle of illiteracy that is perpetuating itself in America’s less advantaged communities. The COTC Project is honored to be working with the NCFL,” said David Boulton, COTC Project Director. “The NCFL understands the connections between family, literacy, learning in general and self-esteem. Together we can help drive a revolution in how our society thinks about, and consequently teaches, reading.”
The seminars are based on the Children of the Code, a television documentary currently in production. Featuring interviews clips with world-leading scientists, educators, scholars and government leaders, The Code and the Challenge of Learning to Read It explores the code we write with and the cognitive and emotional challenges our brains face when learning to read it.
“NCFL is thrilled to be involved in an effort of this nature that drives at the importance of understanding the reading difficulties so many people face,” said Sharon Darling, NCFL president and founder. “We hope that the work of the COTC Project will have a lasting effect on how we approach this important issue in the future.”
For more information on attending or arranging a seminar in your area visit: or call 808-822-7805
The NCFL has pioneered a program that combines children’s education, adult literacy education, parent education and structured interaction between parents and their children. NCFL works to ensure that all families at the lowest ends of both the literacy and economic continua have opportunities to improve their education and social well-being through quality family literacy services. For more information please visit our website or call the Family Literacy InfoLine at 1-877-FAMLIT-1.
The mission of the COTC Project is to catalyze and resource a society-wide transformation in how we think about reading. The project has four major components: 1) A three-hour public television documentary series featuring interviews with world-leading scientists, historians, educators and government leaders; 2) A ten-hour college, university and professional development DVD series; 3) A series of educational seminars; 4) A cross indexed website/database ultimately to contain over 100 hours of the world’s leading experts on reading. For more information please visit
Ginger Wilding
502-584-1133 x147
David Boulton
Children of the Code