
Note: Remember to click on any word on this page to experience the next evolutionary step in technology supported reading.

We Need to Reconceptualize What it Means to Learn to Read

Reading failure for nearly every child is not the child’s failureit’s the failure of policy makers, the failure of schools, the failure of teachers, the failure of parents. We need to reconceptualize what it means to learn to read and who’s responsible for its success if we’re going to deal with the problem. 

Problem is Society's Lack of Insight

The problem is our society’s lack of insight into what’s involved in acquiring literacy.

Louisa Moats, Director, Professional Development and Research Initiatives at Sopris West Educational Services; Author, Speech to Print: Language Essentials for TeachersParenting a Struggling Reader, and LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling). Source: COTC Video  Interview (not yet published)