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  Children of the Code: Digital Video Files: THE JEWELS
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Children of the Code:
Digital Video Files:


These are the 319 "Jewels" of the Children of the Code Project. They are "clips" of the key points and most important quotes culled from over 450 hours of interviews with experts, children, and young adults. These are the same clips our own audiences praise so highly when we use them in our  keynote presentations, workshops, and seminars. For those who want to avoid the clumsiness of DVDs, these files can be played directly on your computer and/or they can be easily embedded in your slideshows. And, unlike the "TV" format of DVDs, these clips have been framed and formatted for optimal viewing on computer displays and LCD projectors. (See also: COTC SEQUENCES.)

    Detailed File Listings:

Jewels: Disc 1: The Experts
Jewels: Disc 2: The Children (and the Code)



DISC 2: THE KIDS (and the CODE) - 144 Clips - 59 clips of children and young adults speaking about their struggle to learn to read taken from COTC chapters including: "WHAT'S AT STAKE", "UNNATURAL CONFUSION", "CAUSES AND CONTRIBUTING FACTORS", SHAME" and 85 clips of experts from COTC chapters "SO LET IT BE WRITTEN", "THE FIRST MILLENNIUM BUG", "PARADIGM INERTIA" and "CHANGING TRAJECTORIES" (see list)

COTC JEWELS DISC 1 (175 CLIPS): $129.00
COTC JEWELS DISC 2 (144 CLIPS): $129.00



  COTC JEWELS:  DISC 1 "EXPERTS" - 175 Video Clips
File Name Convention: (Video segment clip appeared in — Interviewee or source — Quote or description of essence)

Notes: 1 - Lists are in alphabetic order (not suggestive of presentation order) 2 - Download a PDF version with video lengths

29 Clips

Academic Danger - Hanushek - They Fall Back
Academic Danger - Moats - Fundamental Problem Not Addressed
Closing What’s At Stake - COTC - Mind Shame
Democracy - Drucker - Literacy and Democracy
Democracy - Shanahan - Ballet Errors
Economy - Thompson - Economic Risk
Emotional Danger - Hennessy - What Must It Be Like
Emotional Danger - Lavoie - It Generalizes
Emotional Danger - Nayo - Mekyes Story
Health - Shanahan - 40 Percent of Hospitalizations
Intro What’s At Stake - COTC - Brain Work Not Transparent To Learning
National LD - Numerous - YES LD
Poverty - Bush - Poverty and Literacy
Poverty - Shanahan - Even Low Level Jobs Require Literacy
Price Tags - Thompson - Trillions May Be Underestimate
Price Tags - Whitehurst - Hundreds of Billions
Reading Crisis - Lyon-Wendorf - Majority of Student Below Prof
Reading Crisis - Wedgeworth - 93 Million Adults
Reading Matters - Stanovich - Does Reading Make You Smarter
Reading Matters - Stanovich - Vocabulary Growth
Reframe - Darling - Problem Getting Worse
Reframe - Lyon - The Big Deal
Reframe - Moats - Lack Of Insight
Reframe - Olson - Fooling Ourselves
Reframe - Whitehurst - Need To Reconceptualize
Social Danger - Lavoie - Bad Rather Than Dumb
Social Danger - Tallal - Cant Trust Your Brain
Social Danger - Tallal - Social Pathologies
Social Danger - Whitehurst-Lavoie - Prison Cells

34 Clips

Emotion and Cognition - Greenburg - Emotion Drives Language
Emotion and Cognition - Greenburg - No Cognition Without Emotion
Emotion and Cognition - Merzenich - Modulators Of Learning
Emotion and Cognition - Nathanson - Affects
Emotion and Cognition - Shonkoff - Strong Science
Foundations - Deacon - Organizing Principle
Foundations - Deacon-Lyon - Behind in Vocab Development
Foundations - Farkas - Kids Talk Like Their Parents Do
Foundations - Lyon - PreK-1 Behind The Curve
Foundations - Merzenich - Dominated By Language
Foundations - Merzenich - Experimental Source
Foundations - Risley-Engelmann - Millions Of Differences In Exposure
Foundations - Searle - Exponential Growth
Foundations - Tallal - Oral To Written Language Continuum
Foundations - Tallal - Sets Up Our Brain
Foundations - Tallal - Sounds Inside Words
Language - Deacon - Symbolic Species
Language - Lyon - Every Consonant And Vowel
Language - Tallal - Language Makes Us Human
Meaningful Differences - Risley - 12 To 50 Million Words
Meaningful Differences - Risley - Amount Of Talking
Meaningful Differences - Risley - Emotional Consequences
Nature and Nurture - Deacon - Info To Build Brains Not In Genes
Nature and Nurture - Merzenich - Resources And Influences
Nature and Nurture - Merzenich - Self-Organization
Nature and Nurture - Shonkoff - Experience and Gene Expression
Nature and Nurture - Shonkoff - No Nature Without Nurture
Nature and Nurture - Tallal - Brains Are Learning Machines
Readiness - Hanushek - Huge Differences
Readiness - Heckman - Coleman-Family Plays Larger Role
Readiness - Heckman - How Do Kids Get Reading Ready
Readiness - Shonkoff - Underpinnings Of Reading
Sensitive Slopes - Merzenichf - Skill Builds On Skill
Sensitive Slopes - Shonkoff - Sobbering Message

Shame 25 Clips

Cognitive LD - Cunningham - Feedback Cycle
Cognitive LD - Granzin - Maladaptive Feedback Cycle
Cognitive LD - Greenburg - Taking Up M Space
Cognitive LD - Kameenui - Paralyzes The Child
Cognitive LD - Nathanson - Cognitive Shock
Cognitive LD - Nathanson - Pay Attention to Shame
Cognitive LD - Nathanson - Track Look Listen
Cognitive LD - Perfetti - It Must Interfere
Cognitive LD - Rayner - It All Breaks Down
Emotional LD - Engelmann - See It In Their Behavior
Emotional LD - Greenburg - Emotional Regulation Difficulty
Emotional LD - Lyon - Avoidance
Emotional LD - Moats - None Of Us Gravitate
Emotional LD - Nathanson - Shame Prevents Learning 2
Emotional LD - Nathanson - Shame Prevents Learning
Fear of Shame - Nathanson - The Expectation Of Shame
Fear of Shame - Nathanson - Wariness
Power of Shame - Darling - Sick To Their Stomach
Power of Shame - Lavoie - Ear Story
Power of Shame - Wedgeworth - At The Heart
Power of Shame - Wendorf - Stays For A Lifetime
Public Shame - Reder - Terribly Humiliating
Shame - Lyon - Proxy For Intelligence
Shame Avoidance - Greenburg - Aversion
Shame Avoidance - Nathanson - Wouldn’t They Be Stupid

12 Clips

Closing - COTC - Code Confusion
Dialogue - Allington - Code Virtualized Language
Dialogue - Farkas - Brightness
Dialogue - Perfetti - Most Kids Underwater
Intro - COTC - Artificial Overlay To Language
Magic of Reading - Abram - Under Its Spell
Player Piano - COTC - Animated
Recent Invention - Abram - Most Of Existence Without Writing
Technology - Olson - Contrived Device
Unnatural - Moats - Artificial Act
Voice Inside - Rayner - Do You Hear Your Voice
What Is Reading - COTC - Animated

13 Clips

Close - COTC - Not Like DNA Or Software
Intro - COTC - The Heart Of The Challenge
Unnatural Confusion - Adams - What Are The Rules
Unnatural Confusion - Drucker - Roots Of Confusion
Unnatural Confusion - Engelmann - Exceptions
Unnatural Confusion - Engelmann- Letters
Unnatural Confusion - Fisher - Alpha Not For English
Unnatural Confusion - Fisher - Madness
Unnatural Confusion - Moats - It’s A Real Puzzle
Unnatural Confusion - Moats - The R
Unnatural Confusion - Stanovich - Good Way To Frame Things
Unnatural Confusion - Steinbeck Quote
Unnatural Confusion - Comparison Sequence

19 Clips

Child’s Fault - Darling - Blame Themselves
Competing Media - Shlain - Linear vs Image
Dysteachia - Engelmann - Cant blame Teachers
Dysteachia - Engelmann - Dysteachia
Dysteachia - Lyon - Never Been Taught
Dysteachia - Moats - So Misconceived
Dysteachia - Shanahan - We Haven’t Measured Up
ESL - COTC - The Language Gap
ESL - Kameenui - Not The Words They Own
Innate - Hennessy - Dyslexia
Innate - Olson - Genes and Dyslexia
Parents - Darling - NAAL-NAEP
Parents - Wedgeworth - Kids Performance Reflects Parents
Preschools - Ginsberg - Few Children Get HQ
Preschools - Lyon - Straight Downhill
Resistance - Barksdale - Not Seeing Results
Resistance - Hennessy - Don’t Have The Will
Superficial Thinking - Shanahan - Hasn’t Worked for 500 Years
Superficial Thinking - Haberman - More Like Cults

43 Clips

Asynchrony - Audio-Visual Demonstration
Asynchrony - Breznitz - Two Modes Must Sync
Asynchrony - COTC - Out Of Sync
Automaticity - Adams - Importance of Quick Recognition
Automaticity - Adams - Lost The Meaning
Automaticity - COTC - Faster Than Thought
Automaticity - Deacon - Computational Nightmare
Automaticity - Deacon - Problem Of Automatization
Automaticity - Drucker - Connecting 2 Codes
Automaticity - Moats - Processors Word In Concert
Brain’s Challenge - COTC - Overview
Disambiguation - COTC - The Processing Bottleneck
Disambiguation - COTC-Tallal - The Stutter That Breaks Down Reading
Disambiguation - Merzenich - Fuzziness Between Letters and Sounds
Disambiguation - Tallal - Processing Dance In The Brain
Downward Spiral Of Shame - COTC - The Cognitive Implications Of Shame
Eye Movements - Rayner - Movements Reflect Processing
Eye Movements - Rayner - Speed Related To Word Difficulty
Eye Movements - Rayner - Staggeringly Fast
Letters - COTC - Representational Placeholders
Letter- Engelmann - Changes Name When Position Changed
Letters - Rayner - Coordinating The Eyes
Matthew Effects - Stanovich - Accumulative Advantages
Morphology - Moats - Great Untapped Need
Phonemic Awareness - COTC - Quantum Semantic Elements
Phonemic Awareness - Lindamood - Code Requires Conscious Awareness
Phonemic Awareness - Lyon - Smallest Units Of Sound
Processing Distinctions - COTC - Differentiation
Processing Distinctions - Merzenich - Complexly Interdependent
Processing Distinctions - Merzenich - Signal Quality
Processing Distinctions - Tallal - Auditory and Visual
Processing Speed - COTC - Faster Than Speech
Slow Computer Demo
Temporal Profile - Tallal - Speed of Speech.
Temporal Profile Simulation
Vocabulary - Adams - Left Hanging
Vocabulary - Adams - You’ve Had It
Vocabulary - Perfetti - Vocabulary Bootstraps Decoding
Word Recognition Speed - Kail - Working Memory
Word Recognition Speed - Lyon - Memory and Attention
Word Recognition Speed - Lyon - Slow And Labored
Word Recognition Speed - Moats - Getting Up To Speed
Word Recognition Speed - Perfetti - Fluency Bottleneck


COTC JEWELS DISC 1 (175 CLIPS): $129.00
COTC JEWELS DISC 2 (144 CLIPS): $129.00



  COTC JEWELS:  DISC 2 "THE CHILDREN" (and the CODE) - 144 Video Clips

File Name Convention: (Video segment clip appeared in — Interviewee or source — Quote or description of essence)

Notes: 1 - Lists are in alphabetic order (not suggestive of presentation order) 2 - Download a PDF version with video lengths


Academic Danger - Girl - Everything Falling Apart
Academic Danger - Girl - Grades Slipping
Academic Danger - Girl - My Grades
Academic Danger - Young Man - Putting It Off
Emotional Danger - Boy - Feeling Dumb
Emotional Danger - Boy - Like Hell
Emotional Danger - Boy - Not Really Smart
Emotional Danger - Girl - Thought I Wasn’t Smart
Emotional Danger - Girl - When They Call On Me
Emotional Danger - Mom - He Wanted To Die
Emotional Danger - Young Man - Waste Of Breath
Emotional Danger - Young Woman - You Want To Cry
Reading Matters - Boy - Feel Smarter
Reading Matters - Boy - Feels Like The End Of The World
Social Danger - Young Man - Like Being Homeless


Child’s Fault - Boy - I Had Good Teachers
Child’s Fault - Young Woman - Always Felt Stupid
Dysteachia - Boy - Figure Out The Words From Pictures
Print Availability - Boy - Mom Don’t Have Newspapers
Print Availability - Girl - Mom Never Read To Me
Reading to Learn - Boy - 3rd Grade Hardest
Reading to Learn - Boy - Words More Frustrating
Reading to Learn - Girl - POW
Social Danger - Boy - Beating The Crap Out Of Them
Social Danger - Boy - Spit Wad
Social Danger - Boys - Fighting
Social Danger - Girl - I get Angry
Unnatural Confusion - Young Man - So Confusing
Unnatural Confusion - Kids Sequence


Cognitive LD - Boy - I’m Not Thinking About The Reading
Fear Of Shame - Kids Sequence
Public Shame - Kids Sequence
Secret Shame - Kids Sequence
Shame - 4Girls - Nervous
Shame - Boy - Act Like I Was Asleep
Shame - Boy - Ask To Use The Restroom
Shame - Boy - Communion Totally Embarrassed
Shame - Boy - Hoping To Be The Last Person Called
Shame - Boy - Make Fun of Me
Shame - Boy - Really Embarrassed
Shame - Boy - Shy
Shame - Boy - Slump Down In My Seat
Shame - Boy - Sweating
Shame - Boy - Too Embarrassed To Ask My Mom
Shame - Girl - Afraid To Read Out Loud
Shame - Girl - Avoid Them Calling On Me
Shame - Girl - Bet You Won’t Be Able To Read
Shame - Girl - Don’t Like Reading Out Loud
Shame - Girl - Don’t Want Them To Know
Shame - Girl - Fail Test Rather Than Admit Reading Problem
Shame - Girl - I’m So Bad At This
Shame - Girl - Laughing At Me 2
Shame - Girl - Laughing At Me
Shame - Girl - Makes My Heart Drop
Shame - Girl - Never Liked To Read After That
Shame - Girl - Scared I’m Not smart
Shame - Young Man - Make A Scene
Shame - Young Man - Make Up An Excuse
Shame Avoidance - Kids Sequence

9 Clips

Boost Readiness - COTC - Must Be Proximally Ready
Confusion-Shame - Moats - None Of Us Gravitate
Instruction And Readiness - Lyon - Inverse Relationship
Instruction And Readiness - Moats - Teacher Dependence
Orientation - COTC - Phonics
Orientation - COTC - Reframe The Shame
Orientation - COTC - Stewarting The Health Of Learning
Orientation - COTC - Sync Up With Their Stutters
Two Paths - COTC - Many Causes For Two Trajectories


23 Clips

Alphabet - Abram - Privileged Human Voice
Alphabet - Cross - Cardinal Invention
Alphabet - Drucker - Ancient Legacy
Alphabet - Shlain - Moving Finger Of God
Code of DaVinci - Logan - Elements of Science
Code of DaVinci - Logan - Printing Press
Code of DaVinci - Olson - The Rise Of Science
Code of DaVinci - Shlain - Classification
Grecian Formulas - Abram - Reflective Intellect
Grecian Formulas - Shlain - Two Currents
Intro - COTC - We Are All The Children Of The Code
Key Point - COTC - It Was Phonetic
Power of Writing - Abram - Self-Reflection Comes In
Power of Writing - Olson - Growth Of Subjectivity
Power of Writing - Olson - Writing And Modern Society
Power of Writing - Searle - Metacognitive Implications
Power of Writing - Searle - The Big Step
Power of Writing - Searle - The Infrastructure of Civilization
Rise and Fall - Cable+Richardson - Middle Age Literacy
Rise and Fall - Fisher - Latin Std Language
Sounds-Letters - Cross - Easier To Read in 8th Century
Sounds-Letters - Drucker - 17 Symbols Not Enough
Sounds-Letters - Drucker+Cross - Everything Phonetic

33 Clips

Casting Spells - Baron - Missing Fonts
Casting Spells - Cable - 1476 Caxton Photographs Language
Casting Spells - Cable - Summary Sympathy and Humility
Casting Spells - Cable - Wrong Moment
Casting Spells - Fisher - Printing Standardizes
Casting Spells - Richardson - Lost Letters
Casting Spells - Richardson - Frozen Bizarre Spellings
Chancery - Fisher - Laid The Foundation
Chancery - Fisher - The People Who Served The King
Chancery - Richardson - Worked For Chancellor
French - Cable - 2 Official Languages
French - Cable - William The Conqueror
French - Cable - Norman French
Intro - COTC - Y1K Bug
King’s English - Cable - Prevails By Brute Force
King’s English - Fisher - Henry 5th Most Influential
King’s English - Fisher+Richardson - Henry 5th
Latin - Cable - English Spelled In Latin
Latin - Cable - Historical Accidents
Mbug - Cable - Accidents Result In Complexity
Mbug - Cable - It’s A Mess
Mbug - Cable - Never A Plan
Mbug - Drucker - 26 Symbols 40 Sounds
Mbug - Fisher - Alphabet Not Created For English
Mbug - Fisher - Madness
Mbug - Fisher - Still Using 15th Century Spelling 2
Mbug - Fisher - Still Using 15th Century Spelling
Mbug - Group - Not Enough Letters
Mbug - Richardson - Senseless
Mbug- Venezky - Variations and Mismatch
Mbug- Venezky-Fisher - Lost In Translation
Vowels - Cable - Profound Effect
Vowels - Fisher - The Shift

20 Clips

Carnegie-Dewey - Krass - Funding Simplified Spelling
Carnegie-Dewey - Twain - Carnegie Started This Reform
Carnegie-Dewey - Twain - Spelling Reform Endorsers
Close - COTC - Understand The Correspondence
Death Of Reform - Krass-Gable - Killed It
Franklin - Cable - Scheme 1768
Franklin - Isaacson - Wasn’t Practical
Intro - COTC - Underneath The Reading Wars
Other Advocated - Shaw-Steinbeck-Fenyman-Asimov
Paradigm Inertia - Lyon - We’re Not Going To Change The Code
Paradigm Inertia - Stanovich - Badly Burned
Paradigm Inertia - Venezky - Nothing Ambiguous
Roosevelt - Gable - Adopts - Simplified Spelling
Roosevelt - Gable - Collier’s Cartoon
Roosevelt - Twain - 300 words
Roosevelt - Twain+Gable - Congress Outlaws Spelling
Twain - Quotes - Imbecile Spellings
Twain - Quotes - Rotten Alphabet
Webster - Bett - Reforms Didn’t Help Literacy
Webster - Cable - Franklin Was Right


COTC JEWELS DISC 1 (175 CLIPS): $129.00
COTC JEWELS DISC 2 (144 CLIPS): $129.00


Copyright statement:  Copyright (c) 2012, the Children of the Code Project, Learning Stewards, and Implicity, All Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, and distribute these materials for not-for-profit educational purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement, is hereby granted, provided that "Children of the Code -"  (with a functioning hyperlink when online) be cited as the source and appear in all excerpts, copies, and distributions.  Thank you. (back to top)