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What's At Stake

Child Health & Development 




The Code



Paradigm Inertia


                WHAT'S AT STAKE                                     WHAT'S INVOLVED







Note: This section of our site is a continual work in process.  Topics and videos appear in multiple categories.

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Categories & Themes

 Topics: Excerpts and Summaries

 Related Videos

What's At Stake

The negative consequences and costs to afflicted individual children and adults, and to society as a whole, of reading related difficulties.

All But Fating - Basic <> Proficiency Spectrum
 Emotional Danger - Shame (Index of all shame pages) Cognitive Consequences of Shame - Curriculum
 Effect of Reading on Thinking - Social Pathology
Juvenile Justice, Special Education and Reading 
Health and Literacy - Nation's Greatest Learning Disability 
Adult Literacy - Cost of Reading Difficulties
National Consequences

Reading Crisis - Academic Danger
Emotional Danger
- Social Danger
Reading to Learn - Child's Fault
Shame - Cognitively Disabling
National LD - Economic Costs  
Health Costs - Poverty - Price Tags
Drag on Democracy - Consumer Costs

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Child Health & Development

Children's developmental trajectories affect the ease or difficulty of learning to read - the ease or difficulty of learning to read effects their ongoing health and development.

Family Effects - Family Language - Early Language Development
ESL - Primary Language - Learning Disabilities - Dyslexia
 Parents  Sensitive Windows of Neurological Development
Effect of Reading on Thinking - Emotions, Language and Literacy Matthew Effect - It's Not the Kids Fault! - Shame (Index)
uvenile Justice, Special Education and Reading

Birth to Five - Universal Pre-K

Readiness - Meaningful Differences 
Nature & Nurture
- Innate
Sensitive Slopes
- In The Beginning Language Foundations - Non-English
- Preschools - Fault
Emotional Danger - Academic Danger
- Emotion & Cognition  



The role of emotions in learning to read and the effects of learning to read difficulties on emotional health.

 Emotions, Language and Literacy - Affects 
Compass of Shame - Family Effects - Matthew Effect
Emotional Danger - Public Reading Shame
It's Not the Kids Fault! - Downward Spiral of Shame
Shame (Index of all shame pages)  - Power of Shame
Cognitive Consequences of Shame - Shame and Self-Trust
Self-Esteem and Shame - Social Pathology - Reframe
Juvenile Justice, Special Education and Reading *

Emotion & Cognition - Fault
Emotional Danger - Social Danger  Meaningful Differences - Shame 
Power of Shame - Fear of Shame 
Secret Shame 
- Public Shame
Avoidance - Emotionally Disabling 
Cognitively Disabling

 Categories & Themes

Topics: Excerpts and Summaries

Related Videos



Reading depends on, overlays, extends, and transforms language.


Language - Emotions, Language and Literacy
Effect of Writing on Language - Oral Language and Literacy
Language and Reading - Vocabulary - Vocabulary and Reading
Adult Vocabulary - Family Language - ESL / Primary Language
 Early Language Development - Word Recognition - Auditory Conceptualization - Phonemic Awareness - Comprehension

In The Beginning - Sensitive Slopes  Language Foundations - Reading Matters Non-English - Meaningful Differences - Artificial Phonemic
- Distinctions



The brain processing challenges in learning to read and what learning to read does for the mind.

 Neuroplasticity  - Sensitive Windows of Neurological Development Alphabetic Principle (or "insight") - Word Recognition
Eye Movements  - Fluency - Comprehension - Automaticity
Instructional Confusion  - Processing Stutters - Matthew Effect Cognitive Consequences of Shame - The Brain - Brain Scans Memory -  Effect of Reading on Thinking

Sensitive Slopes - Artificial Phonemic Distinctions - Emotion & Cognition CONFUSION - Readiness and Instruction - Dysteachia - Cognitively Disabling - Power of Writing

What's At Stake

Child Health & Development 




The Code



Paradigm Inertia

The Code

The history of the code, it's effect on civilization and our minds, and how it came to be so confusing.

History of Writing - Effect of Writing on Language - It's a Code
Code is Technology - Reading is Unnatural - Alphabetic Principle (or "insight") - Phonics - Decoding - Processing Stutters
The First Millennium Bug - Paradigm Inertia: Code Ambiguity

Power of Writing - Alphabet's Big Bang Grecian Formulas - Lend Me Your Ears  Code of da Vinci - Spread, Rise, & Fall Latin Roots - French Rules - King's English - Chancery Scribes - Roots of Confusion  - Great Vowel Shift - Casting Spells - Attempts at Reform - CONFUSION  - Shallow Thinking 
- Paradigm Inertia




Adult Low literacy:  the statistics, pain, shame, and it's costs to  society.


Adult Literacy - Basic <> Proficiency Spectrum - Health and Literacy - Oral Language and Literacy

Reading Crisis - Economic Costs
Health Costs - Drag on Democracy  Poverty - Price Tags - National LD  Parents - Power of Shame

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Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities

The difference between innate and acquired dyslexia and L.D.

Dyslexia - Genetics - Learning Disabilities
Instructional Confusion - Nation's Greatest Learning Disability

Innate - Nature & Nurture
Sensitive Slopes
- Avoidance
- Cognitively Disabling


Paradigm Inertia

Outdated but still pervasive ways of thinking that retard  progress.

Alphabetic Principle (or "insight") - Reading is Unnatural
Paradigm Inertia: Adult Bias About Code Ambiguity - Phonics
The First Millennium Bug - Instructional Confusion
Knowledge Gulf - Effect of Reading on Thinking  - Reframe

Shallow Thinking  - Teacher Training Resistance - Dysteachia - Fault
 - Reframe - Paradigm Inertia


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