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Archives: Topic Summaries
The Economics of Birth to Five
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It’s Not the Kids Fault!
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Matthew Effects
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Emotions, Language, and Literacy
So, if you go all the way back to the language problem and say, yeah, it’s causing a reading problem, and the reading problem is causing the language problem, and the language problem is causing a behavior problem, and the fact that this kid can’t read, and other people around him can read much better is eroding his self-esteem, making him feel pretty worthless. Dr. Mel Levine, Professor of Pediatrics; Co-founder, All Kinds of Minds Institute; Director, University of North Carolina Clinical Center for the Study of Development and Learning; Author, A Mind at a Time, The Myth of Laziness and Ready or Not, Here Life Comes. Source: COTC Interview:
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Sensitive Windows of Neurological Development
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Parental Involvement
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Learning Disabilities
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Primary Oral Language
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